{"id":6,"date":"2012-05-08T08:38:42","date_gmt":"2012-05-08T08:38:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/acneeinstein.com\/?p=6"},"modified":"2012-05-08T08:38:42","modified_gmt":"2012-05-08T08:38:42","slug":"what-causes-acne-overview","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/acneeinstein.com\/what-causes-acne-overview\/","title":{"rendered":"What Causes Acne Overview"},"content":{"rendered":"

In The Art of War Sun Tzu writes: \u201dKnow the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.\u201d This advice wins battles not only in the field but also on your skin. So if you don\u2019t wish to be in peril<\/em> in your fight against acne, you should take the time to properly understand what you are up against.<\/p>\n

Many websites portray acne as overtly simple. They might claim it\u2019s caused by toxins coming out of the skin or congestion in the colon. But the truth of the matter is that acne is extremely complicated. And when you understand all the factors that go into making a pimple it\u2019s easy to see why many overtly simple solutions fail.<\/p>\n

On this page I want to give you a broad overview of the complicated causes behind acne. And through understanding you can develop effective strategies for beating it.<\/p>\n


Any discussion to the causes of acne should include genes. Because there\u2019s no getting over the fact that the genes you inherited from your parents influence your skin. To the degree that having a first-degree relative with acne increases your risk of getting it by 4 times.<\/p>\n

Now, there\u2019s no \u2018acne gene\u2019 that directly causes your skin conditions. Rather, genes change the physiology of your skin to be far more sensitive to hormones and inflammation. These then lead blocked pores and eventually pimples.<\/p>\n

As of today, there\u2019s nothing you can do about this. You can\u2019t change the hand you were dealt with, but if you play the hand well you can mitigate the damage and most likely even clear your skin. For example there are topical remedies that counter the effect of genes on your skin.<\/p>\n

More info: Genes and acne<\/a> page.<\/p>\n


All acne is hormonal acne. That\u2019s because hormones affect all the factors that go into making a pimple. These include:<\/p>\n