{"id":8645,"date":"2012-06-05T10:00:23","date_gmt":"2012-06-05T10:00:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/acneeinstein.com\/?p=216"},"modified":"2018-11-03T18:10:06","modified_gmt":"2018-11-03T18:10:06","slug":"oily-skin-remedies","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/acneeinstein.com\/oily-skin-remedies\/","title":{"rendered":"Help I Have Oily Skin! What Can I Do About It?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Most acne patients suffer from oily skin. Excess sebum produced by the skin causes clogged pores and acne. In this post I\u2019ll share some scientifically proven remedies that can cut down sebum production by 50% or more.<\/p>\n

Genes make acne-prone skin sensitive to hormones, and those hormones boost sebum production in the skin. Lucky for us science has given us effective treatments for oily skin. These include topical treatments that mitigate genetic sensitivities, and diet and lifestyle changes that reduce the levels of acne-causing hormones.<\/p>\n

Brief intro into what causes oily skin<\/h2>\n

Let\u2019s start by understanding the problem. In acne patients sebum production hinges on two things: genes and hormones. Genetics make acne-prone skin more sensitive to androgen hormones<\/a>.<\/p>\n

These hormones then act on the skin and increase sebum production. What happens is that the skin converts free testosterone from the blood into much more potent DTH. DHT can be up to 10 times more potent on the skin than testosterone. This conversion happens through an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase<\/a>, which is over-expressed in acne-prone skin, thanks to genetics!<\/p>\n

As with acne, you have to attack oily skin from two sides. Topical treatments can reduce the effect of hormones, and with smart diet and lifestyle changes you can reduce the levels of these hormones.<\/p>\n

Topical treatments<\/h2>\n

You can fight oily skin at the skin level with substances known as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. These substances inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that increases the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and that way increase sebum production.<\/p>\n

Here are some natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitors:<\/p>\n