Study: Beat Hormonal Acne With Big Breakfast And Small Dinner

Recently published study shows over 50% of women with adult acne have hormonal abnormalities. Brazilian researchers measured androgen (male sex hormone) levels of 835 over 15-year old women with acne. They found that 54.56% had hyperandrogenism (higher than normal androgen level). The hormones most commonly elevated were dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). OK, it’s … Read more

Research Uncovers The Mastermind Molecule Behind Acne – What It Is And How To Turn It Down

Research has uncovered the mastermind molecule behind acne. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTor) regulates all aspects of acne, including sebum production, cell growth and skin inflammation. It can read the levels of various hormones and nutrients and regulate cell growth and sebum production based on these signals.

In this post I’ll explain the mTor pathway and how it contributes to acne. What’s more important, understanding the mTor pathway and how it’s activated opens up new ways to reduce acne, something we’ll also look at.

What is mTor

Let’s start with a brief explanation of what mTor is. mTor is an abbreviation of mammalian target of rapamycin, a protein that regulates cell growth, cell division and cell survival.

mTor can activate (or turn on) mechanism that promote cell growth, and over-activation of the mTor pathway (medical term for a chain of events where one protein activates the next, ultimately leading to some effect in the body) can lead to excessive cell growth. That’s why mTor has been implicated in some cancers, and why mTor inhibitors are currently being tested as anti-cancer drugs.

Excessively cell growth is also a problem in acne, and that’s why researchers are investigating the role mTor plays in acne and the potential of treating acne by inhibiting the mTor pathway. Let’s look at what scientists have learned so far.

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3 Ways To Indulge In Sweets Without Harming Your Skin

People with acne occasionally face difficult challenges, sugar for example. There’s no doubt that sugar contributes to acne, so you should do your best to avoid it. On the other hand humans seem to come hardwired with sweet tooth, and I’m sure you’ve faced times when sugar cravings become almost overwhelming. In this post I’ll … Read more

Study Shows Chocolate May Cause Acne

Chocolate has a long history in the acne diet debate. It was subject of the first study that created the ‘diet doesn’t affect acne’ myth. Before that dermatologists frequently prescribed chocolate restriction to acne patients. Now, a small study claiming drastic increase in acne after eating chocolate fuels the controversy. So could it be? Could chocolate really … Read more

Debunking The REAL Diet Acne Myth

Diet doesn’t cause acne. How often you’ve heard that? For several decades now dermatologists have scoffed at suggestions that diet causes acne and insisted that it’s just a myth. While they believed to be riding the high horse of science, in reality they’ve been cruising with lowly donkey of dogmatism. And now the real myth … Read more

Cup of green tea

3 Surprising Ways Green Tea Fights Acne

The next big breakthrough in acne treatment may be the humble bag of green tea sitting in your kitchen cupboard. A Chinese proverb says “Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one.” Research done in the past two decades tells why. A large and growing body of research shows drinking … Read more

What Causes Acne Overview

In The Art of War Sun Tzu writes: ”Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.” This advice wins battles not only in the field but also on your skin. So if you don’t wish to be in peril in your fight against acne, you should take the time to properly understand what you are up against.

Many websites portray acne as overtly simple. They might claim it’s caused by toxins coming out of the skin or congestion in the colon. But the truth of the matter is that acne is extremely complicated. And when you understand all the factors that go into making a pimple it’s easy to see why many overtly simple solutions fail.

On this page I want to give you a broad overview of the complicated causes behind acne. And through understanding you can develop effective strategies for beating it.

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